Jean Boghossian is globally renowned for his groundbreaking use of fire and smoke as a medium in his abstract works. Boghossian’s artistic journey began in his family’s jewellery business, but he soon found himself drawn to exploring materiality and the transformative power of fire in his art. His unique technique, a ‘fire dance’, represents the tension between destruction and renewal, earning him international acclaim with exhibitions from Venice to Doha.
For the 4th edition of Art D’Egypte, Forever is Now, Boghossian unveils ‘Desert Waves‘, a collaborative artwork with artist & architect Gilles Libert that resonates with the ancient mysteries of the Giza Plateau and its pyramids. Emerging like an archaeological discovery, the sculpture is composed of large, burnt corten steel sheets rising through a pyramid-like mound. Drawing parallels with the natural desert landscape, the piece weaves together notions of endurance, history, and time. The visitors are invited to reflect on the layers of history beneath them, with the burnt edges of the steel recalling Jean’s signature works, such as his Saved Books exhibited at the Library of Alexandria.
A special thank you goes out to Nadine Abdel Ghaffar, founder and curator of Art D’Egypte, and her dedicated team, but also to Gilles Libert, Christina Moschou and Garo Bardakjian.
Public Opening 24 October
from 11am till 3pm
in presence of the artist
The Giza Plateau, Cairo International Art District (CIAD), The Library of Alexandria